Study at Southern Cross University

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Want to make a difference with your education, whether it’s helping people, 建设城市, 执行, teaching or saving the environment? Whatever your passion, there is an undergraduate degree to suit you, in a study mode that suits your lifestyle.

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没有阿塔尔? 没有问题. 预科课程可以让你在开始攻读学位前掌握所需的技能. Or, if you need a short qualifying or para-professional course, Southern Cross offers a range of Certificates, Diplomas and Associate Degrees.

Explore our 通道项目


2019冠状病毒病大流行影响了九游会真人官网所有校园的学生和员工. This might include changes to placements, campus services, research and teaching. This page is being constantly updated with information on these changes.

Visit our coronavirus page

研究 degrees and programs

If a career in research beckons, consider the extensive range of research degrees, scholarships and collaborative projects at Southern Cross. 加入一个志同道合的学者在调查的前沿与世界级的设施在您的处置.

Explore Higher Degrees 研究

A better way to learn – the 南十字星座模型

At Southern Cross University, we're always looking for a better way to do things. 这就是为什么九游会游戏官网的课程将以一种独特的学术模式教授,旨在为你们在大学及以后的成功奠定基础. 今年大部分课程都在进行,剩下的课程将在2023年采用这种模式.

The 南十字星座模型 divides the academic year into six-week terms.


Content is highly interactive, 与参与面对面和积极的学习形式,有现实世界的应用. 更短的, 当您快速完成里程碑时,更有针对性的单元结构会给您更大的动力和动力.


Why choose Southern Cross?
  • 三个主要校园
  • 7个分校
  • 20000多学生
  • 排名前200的大学*

了解更多 about Southern Cross University

  • 380+ scholarships that range from $150 to $60,000.
  • One easy application.
  • 本科 and postgraduate.

Discover a wide range of scholarships



校友 Impact Awards 2021


With 10 diverse research centres and a vibrant research community, 在2018年澳大利亚卓越研究项目中,南十字星在14个研究领域中取得了最高的ERA-5成绩.

研究 for a better world


Student opportunity in real-world projects, nurturing our next gen entrepreneurs, 与九游会游戏官网的社区合作,以取得最大的影响-大学在广泛的行业和地方活跃.



You can apply online for all Southern Cross degrees. 查看你感兴趣的课程,然后点击申请,遵循简单的申请流程.

Change your future world

Good Universities Guide logo

5-star 学生支持 *

5-star Graduate Salary ^

5-star Overall Experience ^


Top 200 Young Universities †

Top 400 Life Sciences and Psychology 

Top 250 Physical Sciences


World Standard or Above in 23 Key 研究 Areas. **


Top 4% of universities worldwide in Forestry and Agriculture.



Bachelor of Science (Regenerative Agriculture) student

As a part of the unit we have on-farm residentials and field-based studies that are part of the regenerative agriculture courses here at Southern Cross University and part of that is meeting with farmers and practitioners in their fields so students get to see firsthand these practices and principles of regenerative agriculture and best farming practices. So looking at farming systems, 找出哪些方法有效,哪些方法无效,没有什么可以替代这些学生能够真正走出去, 满足他们的同龄人, meet people in the industry and key researchers here at the University.

能够把名字和面孔联系起来,喜欢和九游会游戏官网的讲师当面问问题,这一点特别好. 今天早上在番荔枝农场学习他是如何将传统实践和最佳实践以及再生事物结合起来的这真的很鼓舞人心.

因此,九游会真人官网的再生农业课程针对的是那些有兴趣在这一领域寻求职业生涯的学生,其中许多人已经在从事实践工作,并在某种程度上成为农民或从事与粮食农业相关的行业, 广泛的英亩, 牲畜, 生产系统.


只是能够走到那里直接和农民对话,听到他们的问题,听到问题的复杂性,这类事情. 我认为经常很多人来到这九游会游戏官网来自也许很环保的角度之类的,他们很简单的模型对事物的功能和可能的解决方案似乎对九游会游戏官网很简单但实际上他们是一个复杂多了,很高兴能够理解这种复杂性. 我认为九游会游戏官网很幸运能接触到一些真正有创新精神的农民.


我看到了全球粮食系统需要改变的巨大潜力在农业系统中发生,我想成为其中的一员. 我认为对很多人来说,仅仅是观察事物是如何组合在一起的以及它们是如何工作的非常重要,你能从观察中学到的东西是有限的, getting in is really key.


As a part of the unit we have on-farm residentials and field-based studies that are part of the regenerative agriculture courses here at Southern Cross University and part of that is meeting with farmers and practitioners in their fields so students get to see firsthand these practices and principles of regenerative agriculture and best farming practices. So looking at farming systems, 找出哪些方法有效,哪些方法无效,没有什么可以替代这些学生能够真正走出去, 满足他们的同龄人, meet people in the industry and key researchers here at the University.

能够把名字和面孔联系起来,喜欢和九游会游戏官网的讲师当面问问题,这一点特别好. 今天早上在番荔枝农场学习他是如何将传统实践和最佳实践以及再生事物结合起来的这真的很鼓舞人心.

因此,九游会真人官网的再生农业课程针对的是那些有兴趣在这一领域寻求职业生涯的学生,其中许多人已经在从事实践工作,并在某种程度上成为农民或从事与粮食农业相关的行业, 广泛的英亩, 牲畜, 生产系统.


只是能够走到那里直接和农民对话,听到他们的问题,听到问题的复杂性,这类事情. 我认为经常很多人来到这九游会游戏官网来自也许很环保的角度之类的,他们很简单的模型对事物的功能和可能的解决方案似乎对九游会游戏官网很简单但实际上他们是一个复杂多了,很高兴能够理解这种复杂性. 我认为九游会游戏官网很幸运能接触到一些真正有创新精神的农民.


我看到了全球粮食系统需要改变的巨大潜力在农业系统中发生,我想成为其中的一员. 我认为对很多人来说,仅仅是观察事物是如何组合在一起的以及它们是如何工作的非常重要,你能从观察中学到的东西是有限的, getting in is really key.

*  The Good Universities Guide 2022 – 本科 and Postgraduate

^  The Good Universities Guide 2022 – Postgraduate

  Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021

** Excellence in 研究 for Australia (ERA) 2018

 Top 350 universities (global) in Agriculture and Forestry (QS Rankings 2021)